Tuesday 7 June 2011

"Lady Bella Heartwell" has been adopted!!!

Just a quick note to let you know "Lady Bella Heartwell" has been adopted.
She's going to live in Texas, USA, where the weather is warmer than freezing Melbourne, Australia... :0)
I'm sure she'll be admired by everyone she'll meet... :0)
Thank you Vickie!!!

Love and hugs,

Ps; I almost forgot!! I'm now working on a beautiful sweet panda bear, who right now hasn't got a gender... but I'm sure it will let me know by the time it's finished... :0)
Keep your eyes glued to this blog... !


Sue Jennings said...

I love pandas, so cannot wait to see him\her!



Bobbybaer - The Blog said...

Hi Monica - it's a pleasure for me you visited my blog.
Would you mind to exchange our links?
I'm a great fan of your creativity!
Bear Hugs from France

i_anosova said...

Be happy Bella. Моnica, it is delightful!

i_anosova said...
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